Expert Arboriculture & Native Tree Preservation

Expert Care for New Zealand’s Native Trees and Battling Invasive Threats

Comprehensive Tree Health Management

Our arboricultural services extend beyond mere tree maintenance. Our arborist team focus’ on the overall health of native and urban trees, addressing common ailments such as root rot and pest infestations. Our expertise allows us to offer solutions that enhance the natural resilience and beauty of your trees, ensuring their growth and vitality in New Zealand’s unique landscape.

Weed Control Operations

Our approach to maintaining tree health includes comprehensive weed control operations. We tackle invasive species like Pampas, Nightshade, Gorse, Blackberry, and Privet with targeted strategies. Our services range from detailed reports and physical removal to large-scale and selective spraying. By controlling these invasive weeds, we ensure they don’t compete with native species like Kikuyu, preserving the natural harmony and biodiversity of New Zealand’s landscapes.

Preserving Indigenous Flora

Our commitment to preserving New Zealand’s indigenous flora extends to a wide array of native species. From the majestic Nikau palms to the coastal Pohutukawa, we provide specialised care tailored to each species’ unique needs. Our team is well-versed in the specific challenges and requirements of these native plants, ensuring their health and longevity in both urban landscapes and natural habitats. By nurturing these native species, we contribute to maintaining the ecological balance and the distinctive character of New Zealand’s natural environment.

Education and Sustainable Management

Education is key to sustainable tree management. We provide comprehensive advice on dealing with invasive species like the Australian possum and share best practices for the care of New Zealand’s precious tree species.



Explore our other Ecological Solutions Services

Ecological Restoration and Land Management:

Focusing on restoring and managing natural ecosystems, enhancing biodiversity, and ecological integrity in both urban and rural settings.

Arboriculture and Native Tree Preservation:

Specialising in the care, maintenance, and conservation of native trees, providing expert tree health assessments and management plans.

Revegetation and Native Planting Projects:

Implementing revegetation projects using eco-sourced native plants to enhance local ecosystems.

Sustainable Landscaping Design and Implementation:

Creating aesthetically pleasing landscapes that are ecologically sustainable, blending natural beauty with environmental consciousness.

Ecological Monitoring and Reporting:

Offering rigorous monitoring and detailed reporting services to maintain high environmental standards and compliance with ecological regulations.

Environmental Planning and Consulting Services:

Providing expert advice and support for environmental planning, ecological impact assessments, and sustainable development strategies.