Expert Revegetation and Native Planting Services

Restoring New Zealand’s Natural Flora with Native Planting

Enhancing Ecosystems with Indigenous Species

Our revegetation efforts focus on planting native New Zealand species to enhance biodiversity. By carefully selecting plants like Manuka, Kanuka, and Kowhai, we create thriving ecosystems that support local wildlife and contribute to ecological balance. Our native planting strategies are designed to restore natural habitats and build resilient landscapes.

Transforming Landscapes with Ecological Restoration

We specialise in large-scale revegetation projects, transforming degraded or bare land into lush, native forests and habitats. Our team manages every stage of the project, from initial planning and plant selection to the final planting and maintenance, ensuring the successful establishment of new green spaces.

Combining Functionality with Ecology

Revegetation is not only about aesthetics but also plays a crucial role in land stabilisation and erosion control. Our planting techniques help stabilise soil, control erosion, and improve water quality, making them a functional and ecological choice for managing New Zealand’s landscapes.

Fostering Environmental Awareness and Participation

Engaging communities is key to the success of revegetation projects. We encourage local involvement and provide educational opportunities to increase awareness about the importance of native planting. Our goal is to inspire collective action towards restoring and preserving New Zealand’s natural beauty.



Explore our other Ecological Solutions Services

Ecological Restoration and Land Management:

Focusing on restoring and managing natural ecosystems, enhancing biodiversity, and ecological integrity in both urban and rural settings.

Arboriculture and Native Tree Preservation:

Specialising in the care, maintenance, and conservation of native trees, providing expert tree health assessments and management plans.

Revegetation and Native Planting Projects:

Implementing revegetation projects using eco-sourced native plants to enhance local ecosystems.

Sustainable Landscaping Design and Implementation:

Creating aesthetically pleasing landscapes that are ecologically sustainable, blending natural beauty with environmental consciousness.

Ecological Monitoring and Reporting:

Offering rigorous monitoring and detailed reporting services to maintain high environmental standards and compliance with ecological regulations.

Environmental Planning and Consulting Services:

Providing expert advice and support for environmental planning, ecological impact assessments, and sustainable development strategies.